Walking around Waco
The Mclennan Courthouse, which I think is SO pretty BTW. Probably my favorite part about living downtown is that when I wake up in the morning I can just decided to go on a walk and more often than not I will find something really fun to do. On Saturday's my favorite place to go is right across the street from the Mclennan county courthouse. Just a small sample of what Tin Cup Farms has to offer. It is a nice walk from my apartment and sometimes I stop and get coffee from Bru, which is the cutest little coffee shop IN A 1930's ELEVATOR, I will expand on this cute little shop in another post, just know they make the Saturday morning farmers market experience, just that much better. But I'm getting off subject... the farmer's market in downtown Waco has recently moved locations from University Parks, to the aforementioned parking lot of the Mclennan courthouse, and I think that move was PERFECT. Not only is this across the street from another fa